Friday 10 August 2012

Farewell Melbourne...for two months

So today I will be jetting off to start my adventure and I am excited not so much about the holiday which I haven't had the time to be enthusiastic about but leaving the damn administration of my university and the country as a whole behind.

Sorry for the lack of posts. In this last week I have discovered the difficulties of renewing asutralian passports with forign birth certificates written in another language, the ridiculousness of justice of peace signatures at universities and being told 10 hrs ago that I now need a tier 4 visa and I should change my travel plans to ensure that I have that that visa before leaving the country. Whatever.

So today I am finally escaping.
Here are some photos from a rushed farewell I had. Thank you to everyone who dropped in with very short notice.

Luky coq is a great place to have a farewell as there is no entry fee, good food and drinks. Also given that when I return I will be living across the yarra, it was goood to go to an old favourite on chapel st.

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