Saturday 11 August 2012

The adventure begins

I am now at bangkok airport after after 8.5hr flight. I hate flights.
And I still have two more flights to go and won't arrive in Rwanda till tomorrow afternoon. Yay.

In my utter brilliance I conned my GP into giving me temazepam for the flight. But instead of falling alseep I just got a splitting headache.

Other than that the flight was actually quiet nice and the food was good despite being plane food.

We had a biff with an elderly couple with limiting English sitting behind us who wouldn't let us put our chairs back and would keep pushing them forward with their extraordinarily strong limbs and saying 'no room'. So we finally called the air hostesess who communicated to them with various gestures and words that we were going to sleep and it was our 'right' to put our chairs back.

The elderly couple tried to argue we were young and should therefore give them room. So I understand giving up your seat on a tram for an old person for 20 mins. But on an 8hr flight- they wanted us to sit up straight in our chair because we were young! We didn't.

They sat there galring at us the whole time and I felt  really guilty. So 2 hrs later I just put my damn chair up and let them have their room. But I shouldn't have!

Sk said my blog was  going to be my rant space so Im trying really hard to avoid that.

We just had a fully body massage at bankogh airport which was really nice after my stressful flight. The girls refused to let me ask them if I could just sleep on the massage bed for another hr,  if I paid them the price of a massage. It would have been a win win situation for both parties!

Now onto ethiopia!

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