Tuesday 17 July 2012


Hi everyone!!

Welcome to my blog!

I guess the question everyone will be asking is why I'm blogging and why now?

Well this idea really came to me whilst sitting in a long day of lectures...which are currently still running. I have taken ownership of my friend, K's laptop and decided to create a blog.

Many of my friends have blogs which I love stalking and it is fun looking back on old posts and reminiscing. With a lot of travel planned in the next few months, I thought this would be an easy way to stay in touch with my friends and family (hello mum) and keep them updated on my adventures.

And to finish: quotes from my friends sitting nearby who are equally engrossed by these lectures:

K: A blog- its like a modern day scrapbook
Carn: It'll be like keeping a diary
Meow: Don't record anything I say

Enjoy and stay in touch!
xo Tas

P.S. background photo supplied by my friend shivs, taken a few weeks ago at falls creek in its wintery goodness

P.S.S. and for the name of my blog- from sound of music - a few of my favourite things. a great movie!

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